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Omega Vita ‘E’ Oil 1lt

Omega Vita ‘E’ Oil 1lt


A natural Vitamin E supplement for ultimate muscle health Omega Equine's Vita 'E'@ supplement offers a natural way for owners to boost their horses' intake of Vitamin E, an essential nutrient and antioxidant needed for optimum muscle health.

Combined with pure cold-pressed linseed oil, it is the ultimate combination for keeping muscles in top condition.

Vitamin E maintains cell health by counteracting free radicals. As well as this, it plays a key role oxygen absorption and balancing muscle waste such as lactic acid

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble nutrient and requires a small amount of fat to be properly absorbed. In Vita 'E'®, this comes in the form of cold-pressed linseed oil, full of antioxidants and omega fatty-acids which also maintain healthy responses to inflammation

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